Gallery- Personal Collection
''Museo Estudio Diego Rivera From
December of 1986 it is a site museum, that conserves, it preserves, it studies, it exhibits and it spreads to the life and
the work of the muralist painter guanajuatense Diego Rivera, of its wife, the painter Frida Kahlo, as well as of the painter
Juan O'Gorman and his contemporaries, nationals and foreigners.'' Destination Guide
This gallery shows many of the pieces of art work that is on permanent
exhibition in the Museo Casa- Estudio.
The body of
the museum is constituted from what was the House- Studio of Diego Rivera and the private collection of the painter:
easel works, drawings, books, pieces of pre-Columbian art, as well as documents and personal belongings, make up a lot of
the collection.
The Permanent Collection shows work
by many artists who inspired Diego, and whom the couple where friends with. There are many examples of folk art
and ceramics and pre-Columbian art. Over time, pictorial work of the artist, has been incorporated to
this collection.
There are examples of sketches and drawings
in their early stage and unfinished watercolours and oil paintings, that are simply an example of the many productions of
Rivera, but also it adds to the house being a working studio also.
Considering there is no other record on the Internet, and no handy informative
pamphlets at the museum, i hope this goes some way to give an insight into the work at the Museo Casa- Estudio

Harry Sternberg (1904- 2001)
Subway Car, ca 1931-1934
Agaufuerte sobre papel
(Etching on paper)
Col. Particular,
Pablo O' Higgins (1904- 1983)
Primero de mayo en Nueva York,
(On the first of May in New York) 1931
Oleo sobre tela
(Oil on cloth)
Col. Particular, Mexico
Ignacio Aguirre (1900-1990)
Preparando el maiz,
(Preparing the corn) ca. 1950
Grabado 19/124
Col. Ernesto Arnoux
Frida Kahlo (1907- 1954)
Title Unknown
Oleo en lona
on canvas)