Here you will find one of the most comprehensive websites about the personal art collection, which is on permanent exhibition
in the Museo Casa- Estudio de Diego River y Frida Kahlo- Or in English House- Studio Museum of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo.
I have had the pleasure of visiting the museum on a recent trip to Mexico, and whilst i enjoyed the visit,
looking into the life of the couple, and as an avid museum visitor and History of Art and Museum Studies graduate, i was dismayed
to find that there was no information pamphlet or text books about the collection. Considering the success of Salma Hayek's
role in the movie 'Frida' in 2002, thrusting the artist into the forefront of the art world again, and making the public aware
of her work, i would have thought extra information would have been available at the museum. Granted, that this museum does
focus more on Diego Rivera's work and the couples friendship circles in the art world and less on Kahlo's work.
However regardless of Kahlo's fame, the issue surrounding the increase in public attention due to her rise, still begs
the question why is there no information. All interpretive text panels are in Spanish, i felt that again due to tourism, some
of the relevant information could have been in English.
Due to the lack of information, researching their private collection has not been easy, and without the help of friend
in Mexico for translation purposes, i would have been able to devise this site. Finding information in Spanish is hard
to come by, the museum is mainly documented in travel guides on the Internet, so finding any information in English is
almost impossible. It was through my own visits to the house that i was able to write down the names and titles of the
artists and take some pictures. I was looked on suspiciously by the museum attendants whilst taking pictures, but i managed
to get most of the collection without being confronted.
So in this site you will find a gallery of pictures, showing the personal collection of the couple. It contains many
of Diego's work, a few of Frida's art and sketches, but the majority of the work is from artists such as:
Harry Sternberg, Pablo O’Higgins, Ignacio Aguirre, Abraham Angel, Wolfgang Paalen, Arnold
Blanch, Alfredo Zalce, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Leopoldo Mendez, M. Sorbino, Tina Modotti, Guillermo Zamora, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Ernesto Reyes, Juan O'Gorman,
Jean Charlot, Jose
Clemente Orozco, Carlos Orozco Romero,
Pedro Rendon,
Rodriguez, Walt Disney, Emmy Lou Packard, Miguel Angel Gonzalez, Mardonio Magana, Juan
Cruz Reyes, Luis Ortiz Monasterio, German Cueto, Mathias Goeritz.
(In order or first appearance)
You will also be able to find clear and concise information about the history of the house and the architecture and style
of the space, created by Juan O'Gorman. All useful and necessary links will be provided for you own research.
I hope this website can fill any gaps in research, but if any one has anything to add, please feel free to email
me or post a message on my message board.
Thank you and Enjoy!
Location, And For More Information From The Museum
(Tuesday -Saturday 10am-6pm; US$1.10, Free entry on Sunday)
Calle Diego Rivera Esquina con Altavista
Colonia San Angel Inn
Delegacion Alvaro Obregon
Mexico D.F
Tel. 55 50 15 18 y 56 16 26 79
Fax. 55 50 10 04
Or contact me at this email address